Monday, July 17, 2006

Panties on top

Gratuitous sexy woman picture
(hey if Jock can do it...)
Actually IF I still looked this good, I'd ONLY wear bra and panties everywhere I went! LOL

The other day I came across a blog, she was telling about her trip to the gynecologist, and how she noticed that when she gets undressed that she would put her panties and bra hidden under the pile of her clothes, and it struck her funny that she would do so.
This is a Doctor who's going to be seeing just a liiittle bit more than your panties and bra, so, why bother to hide them?
I thought about it and ya know what, I realized that I put mine under my clothes too.
I'm in the exam room, naked, with a small paper jacket on, that is totally open in the front, a sheet over the rest of me, and soon will be spread eagle with my feet up in stirrups, and as fun as that may sound... (it's not), so why was I worried that my bra and panties were going to be seen?
I liked her resolve, she's gonna leave them right on top the pile from now on... I say, go sista! I am too! One small step for this woman, one giant leap for womankind. LOL BIG HUGS, Steph

Friday, July 07, 2006

Just Thinking...

I have a nephew who's 23, he's a beautiful young man,(black hair, gorgeous blue eyes) wants to be a model, but for now, he's, well he's a gigolo. He lives in Missouri with a woman in her 50's who's very rich. She just bought him an Escalade, and because he wanted something sporty, a Porsche.
I'm torn between being sick to my stomach and envying that kind of money. LOL
I wouldn't be buying sex though... antiques, trips, property, yes,... paying someone to hang around and have sex with me (sorry guys but you know you're easy, and can be had for free) (not that I'm complaining!) LMAO ... nope. BIG HUGS, Steph