Monday, September 25, 2006

Are we there yet????

OK, so I'm bored today, and found this site. Here I am as a Super Hero... too bad they don't give you the option of having bigger boobs. I would have gone for that!
It's called, Hero Machine.

There's one you can make your own, Simpson Character,

And a South Park Character,

The lengths I go to so you people won't get bored! Sheesh! LMAO BIG HUGS, Steph

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Meet the Parents (or Mother in this case)

Well, I met my son's girlfriend's Mom. I like her, but it's intimidating, she's a beautiful woman, in fact every time she smiled I kept wondering why she looked so familiar. Then I saw this picture....
They could be twins or sisters.

Can you even imagine standing next to her and having your picture taken at the wedding?

OK, I'm taking donations, to get my jaw wired shut and have some plastic surgery! BIG HUGS, Steph