Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Well that explains a lot...

My son's girlfriend is living with us. She's very appreciative of the meals I cook. Very much so in fact. I enjoy cooking, and it makes me feel good knowing she's eating well.
She's been doing their laundry, which is good. She tells me today that my son taught her to do laundry, that she had a basic idea but she'd never had to do any before because their housekeeper always did it(she's 17)...
A year ago she came to live with her Father who she hadn't seen in a very long time. Turns out he's a crack addict and lives with his girlfriend the drunk who sidelines as a crack addict and pot smoker... hence, right now she's staying with us.
I think on the whole it's been a good experience for her. She's had to grow up and learn some real life skills. I hope for my son's sake, (and for hers) that when she goes back to her Mother's house with money and housekeepers that she remembers these lessons and what real life is like.... but it sure explains a lot. BIG HUGS, Steph
(We are going to meet her Mother this weekend. My house is very small, and torn apart because we are just starting on some remodeling. I'm the first to admit I'm not a neat freak person... pray for me! LOL )


Quindigo said...

Your son's gf is Jessica Simpson!?

Truthfully, I think growing up rich and spoiled is one of the worst things to do to kids - they never learn the basics! (okay, well, I didn't learn to cook, either, but I DO bake!) :)

Dwayne said...

One of my friends grew up rich but I didn't meet him until he was in college. He didn't even tell me he was rich until after a year I think. She seemed ashamed and wouldn't let his mom buy a lexus or anything else that he felt was a show of status. He's a choir teacher now so he's what middle working class now.

I don't think it has to do with having money but how you spend it. We were poor but were never allowed to mess with the washer. It was our job to hang the clothes on the line and put them away.

I admire your big heart in taking in your son's girlfriend. That would have been a sticky situation had they broken up. I've watched too much Roseanne.

Molecular Turtle said...

I think we can learn a lot from our girlfriends parents. I can say I've learned a lot from my current gal's parents.