Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things I've learned (been reminded of) by a 3 yr old...

Things I've learned from a 3 yr old...

If he wants something, he will get it... no matter how high up it is or how well I've hidden it.

Nothing is really hidden from him...

Liquids are more fun when they are poured on the floor/rug/tile...

If it's sharp or dangerous he'll want to play with it...

A magnet on a TV screen makes pretty colors, and now people on that same TV screen are always blue or purple...

Never, EVER think you can wear him out....

If he knows he's not supposed to touch something, that makes it all the more desirable to touch....

He knows how to watch a video on the computer and uses a mouse better than his Grandpa does. lol

He runs A LOT faster than I do...

All it takes is him hearing a swear word once, and it's in his vocabulary... Gee thanks Grandpa....

Toys, especially cars or trucks, that show any sign of defect/weakness, are immediately dismantled. Ever seen a Marine dismantle his gun for cleaning? You know the ones that can do it blindfolded? Well, they put the gun back together again.... this lil guy has the dismantle down just as fast! Now, if I could just teach him to put things back together again....

The kittens WANT to be put in drawers, cages, boxes, buckets, totes, backpacks, pillow cases, the dryer... etc. etc. (So he says, the cats tell me different)

Our dog is really a horse!

I hate Sid the Science Kid, and yet, I will sit and watch it with him... (Have you heard about the kid who wants to know everything about everything? Well if it were up to me he and his parents would be dismembered and buried in my yard.)

Have I mentioned he runs a lot faster than I do?

He's also taught me to say, I LOVE YOU, often, and how good it feels to have it come from that sweet lil face.

Just thinking out loud....
I hope you all have had a fantastic summer. My youngest started High School today, and I'm not handling it well. Who said they could grow up so fast?


Sultan said...

I used to do this when I was little (deconstruct things), unfortunately I was not good at putting them back together again!

jnuts said...

it almost sounds as if your describing some of my cats.

and I agree about hearing the words "I love you." nothing sweeter.

Pearl said...

Having a child is an educational experience.



ColleenQ said...

At 20, mine STILL runs faster than me...darn it! (and, sorry, Steph, I can't figure out if David Shag has a blog, either. He leaves great, inspiring, funny comments, but then the trail ends :(

DavidShag said...

I liked your entry, but then I liked Colleen's comment even better, because, let's face it, it is all about me! I agree with your grandson on the cats, he gets them exactly right. And I learned the "I love you" gag early on - it still works, believe it or not.