Well, I met my son's girlfriend's Mom. I like her, but it's intimidating, she's a beautiful woman, in fact every time she smiled I kept wondering why she looked so familiar. Then I saw this picture....
They could be twins or sisters.
Can you even imagine standing next to her and having your picture taken at the wedding?
OK, I'm taking donations, to get my jaw wired shut and have some plastic surgery! BIG HUGS, Steph
you're probably worried over nothing. The woman in the picture really isn't attractive anyway:)
Ha Ha Ha Ha I hate her.
STEPH!! on my way here i was just thinking about how beautiful you are, outside and inside.. don't EVEN TRY to compare yourself to anyone else, okay?? there's nobody like you. t ;)
Thank you Molecular!
LMAO Kat, she has flawless skin and is very skinny.... pffft on her! lmao
Rain (T) You always make me feel so good. Thank you!!!
(um, I think Jock will be at her house within the day. Better warn her.) ;)
LMAO Indi, good idea, I'm sure she'd wanna be prepared.
I better not tell him she lives in Santa Rosa... oops! lmao
Quindigo knows my taste. I happen to love Julianne Moore, and think she's flawless.
However...beauty really is only skin deep, and pretty is as pretty does.
Steph: Surely, you know you're beautiful inside and out. Plus, you make me laugh.
Jock, she is beautiful, and THANKS. Now days I'm more beautiful on the inside, LOL, but it makes me feel good to know I make you laugh! (You make me laugh!) BIG HUGS
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