Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Buddy, can you spare a diamond?

Question... Is it just me, or is a diamond
wedding ring that costs just over
25 THOUSAND dollars, obscene?
I have a dear cousin who's a young Doctor in Tuscon, AZ. He's always been so kind and down to earth. He's recently become engaged. She's from a very wealthy family, and seems to be a pampered, spoiled princessa.
He is a doctor, but he's just starting out. My Mom tells me she's picked out her engagement and wedding ring, and it cost over 25 thousand dollars. I didn't know how to respond. All I could think of is how much good, how many bills, how much food, shelter, warm clothing or bedding that could supply... and think how many other people it could help besides me! LOL Just kidding!
I'm still kinda in shock just thinking about it. If I were his Mom, My Aunt, I'd have a little talk with the boy, but, oh well. BIG HUGS, Steph

Friday, October 20, 2006

Love a good turn of a phrase

I have several phrases I use, mostly when upset or angry. I never use the F word, although there are times it's needed. lol
I like, 'shit for brains', 'walking around with his head up his ass', 'asswipe', and 'fugly.'
I'm sure I could think of more, but, what are some of your favorites? Post them for me! BIG HUGS, Steph

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Please, don't drive

Last night, 4 of my son's friends were in a terrible car accident. Ben, who was driving, had been drinking. He swerved to miss a large rock in the road and lost control of the truck. Two died at the scene, Ben, and another boy that I hadn't met (only 16 years old and signing with a skateboard promoter)
Ben's been my son's friend for a long time, since 6th grade. He was part of our family. I'm torn between being so very sad that at 20 (he just had his birthday a few weeks ago), his life is now ended, and that his young son, 1 year old, will never know his Father, to being angry that they were even drinking in the first place, and then got in a car/truck.
My son, is a mess, it's been a very difficult night. As a Mom, I'm so thankful that he wasn't with them, (as selfish as that seems.)
The other two boys, Denny and Cory are doing OK. I'm thankful they are alright. I know it's said all the time, but, don't drink and drive. Life is so very short, and precious. Please, let your friends, family, everyone you love, KNOW that they are loved.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Time Away

I posted on my other blog. (kitty's cattitude)
In approx a month, I'm going to take a vacation... just me, no kids, etc.
I've always loved some time to myself, quiet time. If I want to stay in at night and watch movies on cable, or find a park and just enjoy the beauty, I don't have anyone saying, "are you done yet?" or "do we have to watch THIS movie?"
I'm not saying where I'm flying to. You have to guess. LOL
I'll post pictures.
Last Sept. I flew to Seattle and attended the Italian Festival there. I had a great time, and, being alone on a trip, I find that I really enjoy talking to 'locals.'

I have the Library fund raiser end of this month (Oct 27th), then Halloween (I'm Room Mom for my youngest daughter's class) and then I'm off... November 9th. I enjoy it all, but, I'll need some quiet and rest after the end of this month. lol

How's your Fall going? BIG HUGS, Steph