Sunday, October 08, 2006

Time Away

I posted on my other blog. (kitty's cattitude)
In approx a month, I'm going to take a vacation... just me, no kids, etc.
I've always loved some time to myself, quiet time. If I want to stay in at night and watch movies on cable, or find a park and just enjoy the beauty, I don't have anyone saying, "are you done yet?" or "do we have to watch THIS movie?"
I'm not saying where I'm flying to. You have to guess. LOL
I'll post pictures.
Last Sept. I flew to Seattle and attended the Italian Festival there. I had a great time, and, being alone on a trip, I find that I really enjoy talking to 'locals.'

I have the Library fund raiser end of this month (Oct 27th), then Halloween (I'm Room Mom for my youngest daughter's class) and then I'm off... November 9th. I enjoy it all, but, I'll need some quiet and rest after the end of this month. lol

How's your Fall going? BIG HUGS, Steph

1 comment:

Molecular Turtle said...

I bet you can't wait. Vacation's alone are the most relaxing.