Merry Christmas to you All!
Now, for my present... I ask that any drunken/debauchery/office sex/groping/possible blackmail behavior/ANYTHING that you do that's embarassing, be caught on camera and or video taped and passed along for me to enjoy.
Tis better to give than recieve... so GIVE! LOL
About Me
Friday, December 22, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hawaii, Oahu, November 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
AWOL for awhile
Hi, I'm gonna be taking some time off of blogging.
For the reason, you can read it on my other blog. I don't have enough strength/caring/attitude to repost it here. Sorry. BIG HUGS, Steph
For the reason, you can read it on my other blog. I don't have enough strength/caring/attitude to repost it here. Sorry. BIG HUGS, Steph
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Buddy, can you spare a diamond?
Question... Is it just me, or is a diamond
wedding ring that costs just over
25 THOUSAND dollars, obscene?
I have a dear cousin who's a young Doctor in Tuscon, AZ. He's always been so kind and down to earth. He's recently become engaged. She's from a very wealthy family, and seems to be a pampered, spoiled princessa.
He is a doctor, but he's just starting out. My Mom tells me she's picked out her engagement and wedding ring, and it cost over 25 thousand dollars. I didn't know how to respond. All I could think of is how much good, how many bills, how much food, shelter, warm clothing or bedding that could supply... and think how many other people it could help besides me! LOL Just kidding!
I'm still kinda in shock just thinking about it. If I were his Mom, My Aunt, I'd have a little talk with the boy, but, oh well. BIG HUGS, Steph
I have a dear cousin who's a young Doctor in Tuscon, AZ. He's always been so kind and down to earth. He's recently become engaged. She's from a very wealthy family, and seems to be a pampered, spoiled princessa.
He is a doctor, but he's just starting out. My Mom tells me she's picked out her engagement and wedding ring, and it cost over 25 thousand dollars. I didn't know how to respond. All I could think of is how much good, how many bills, how much food, shelter, warm clothing or bedding that could supply... and think how many other people it could help besides me! LOL Just kidding!
I'm still kinda in shock just thinking about it. If I were his Mom, My Aunt, I'd have a little talk with the boy, but, oh well. BIG HUGS, Steph
Friday, October 20, 2006
Love a good turn of a phrase
I have several phrases I use, mostly when upset or angry. I never use the F word, although there are times it's needed. lol
I like, 'shit for brains', 'walking around with his head up his ass', 'asswipe', and 'fugly.'
I'm sure I could think of more, but, what are some of your favorites? Post them for me! BIG HUGS, Steph
I like, 'shit for brains', 'walking around with his head up his ass', 'asswipe', and 'fugly.'
I'm sure I could think of more, but, what are some of your favorites? Post them for me! BIG HUGS, Steph
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Please, don't drive
Last night, 4 of my son's friends were in a terrible car accident. Ben, who was driving, had been drinking. He swerved to miss a large rock in the road and lost control of the truck. Two died at the scene, Ben, and another boy that I hadn't met (only 16 years old and signing with a skateboard promoter)
Ben's been my son's friend for a long time, since 6th grade. He was part of our family. I'm torn between being so very sad that at 20 (he just had his birthday a few weeks ago), his life is now ended, and that his young son, 1 year old, will never know his Father, to being angry that they were even drinking in the first place, and then got in a car/truck.
My son, is a mess, it's been a very difficult night. As a Mom, I'm so thankful that he wasn't with them, (as selfish as that seems.)
The other two boys, Denny and Cory are doing OK. I'm thankful they are alright. I know it's said all the time, but, don't drink and drive. Life is so very short, and precious. Please, let your friends, family, everyone you love, KNOW that they are loved.
Ben's been my son's friend for a long time, since 6th grade. He was part of our family. I'm torn between being so very sad that at 20 (he just had his birthday a few weeks ago), his life is now ended, and that his young son, 1 year old, will never know his Father, to being angry that they were even drinking in the first place, and then got in a car/truck.
My son, is a mess, it's been a very difficult night. As a Mom, I'm so thankful that he wasn't with them, (as selfish as that seems.)
The other two boys, Denny and Cory are doing OK. I'm thankful they are alright. I know it's said all the time, but, don't drink and drive. Life is so very short, and precious. Please, let your friends, family, everyone you love, KNOW that they are loved.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Time Away
I posted on my other blog. (kitty's cattitude)
In approx a month, I'm going to take a vacation... just me, no kids, etc.
I've always loved some time to myself, quiet time. If I want to stay in at night and watch movies on cable, or find a park and just enjoy the beauty, I don't have anyone saying, "are you done yet?" or "do we have to watch THIS movie?"
I'm not saying where I'm flying to. You have to guess. LOL
I'll post pictures.
Last Sept. I flew to Seattle and attended the Italian Festival there. I had a great time, and, being alone on a trip, I find that I really enjoy talking to 'locals.'
I have the Library fund raiser end of this month (Oct 27th), then Halloween (I'm Room Mom for my youngest daughter's class) and then I'm off... November 9th. I enjoy it all, but, I'll need some quiet and rest after the end of this month. lol
How's your Fall going? BIG HUGS, Steph
Monday, September 25, 2006
Are we there yet????
OK, so I'm bored today, and found this site. Here I am as a Super Hero... too bad they don't give you the option of having bigger boobs. I would have gone for that!
It's called, Hero Machine.
There's one you can make your own, Simpson Character,
And a South Park Character,
The lengths I go to so you people won't get bored! Sheesh! LMAO BIG HUGS, Steph
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Meet the Parents (or Mother in this case)
Well, I met my son's girlfriend's Mom. I like her, but it's intimidating, she's a beautiful woman, in fact every time she smiled I kept wondering why she looked so familiar. Then I saw this picture....
They could be twins or sisters.
Can you even imagine standing next to her and having your picture taken at the wedding?
OK, I'm taking donations, to get my jaw wired shut and have some plastic surgery! BIG HUGS, Steph
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Well that explains a lot...
My son's girlfriend is living with us. She's very appreciative of the meals I cook. Very much so in fact. I enjoy cooking, and it makes me feel good knowing she's eating well.
She's been doing their laundry, which is good. She tells me today that my son taught her to do laundry, that she had a basic idea but she'd never had to do any before because their housekeeper always did it(she's 17)...
A year ago she came to live with her Father who she hadn't seen in a very long time. Turns out he's a crack addict and lives with his girlfriend the drunk who sidelines as a crack addict and pot smoker... hence, right now she's staying with us.
I think on the whole it's been a good experience for her. She's had to grow up and learn some real life skills. I hope for my son's sake, (and for hers) that when she goes back to her Mother's house with money and housekeepers that she remembers these lessons and what real life is like.... but it sure explains a lot. BIG HUGS, Steph
(We are going to meet her Mother this weekend. My house is very small, and torn apart because we are just starting on some remodeling. I'm the first to admit I'm not a neat freak person... pray for me! LOL )
She's been doing their laundry, which is good. She tells me today that my son taught her to do laundry, that she had a basic idea but she'd never had to do any before because their housekeeper always did it(she's 17)...
A year ago she came to live with her Father who she hadn't seen in a very long time. Turns out he's a crack addict and lives with his girlfriend the drunk who sidelines as a crack addict and pot smoker... hence, right now she's staying with us.
I think on the whole it's been a good experience for her. She's had to grow up and learn some real life skills. I hope for my son's sake, (and for hers) that when she goes back to her Mother's house with money and housekeepers that she remembers these lessons and what real life is like.... but it sure explains a lot. BIG HUGS, Steph
(We are going to meet her Mother this weekend. My house is very small, and torn apart because we are just starting on some remodeling. I'm the first to admit I'm not a neat freak person... pray for me! LOL )
Sunday, August 20, 2006
HERmones?? (Great idea Indi, Thanks!) LOL
OK, I'm female... (looks down) Yep, I see all the working parts that make me one.
I often wonder if there's something wrong though. I seem to have missed out on the "female drama, irrational, screaming, crying, door slamming, throwing things, gene."
(Not to be confused with the same gene for males)
I get angry, things upset me, I don't yell and scream, I will be in your face, but I get over it! Life is too short, and most problems aren't worth getting worked up about. That's my take anyway.
I'm quiet, and I like to try solving things rationally. (OK, if you attack my kids or someone I love, then all bets are off) but, on the whole....
I grew up with brothers, 5 of them. I have one sister who's 9 years younger than I am, and so very different from me. She's a redhead, and has a full dose of the Italian drama in her blood.
I don't have much experience with teen female angst, and find myself dealing with 3 young females full of that angst.
First is my son's girlfriend, who's living with us. He works late nights, and he told her the other day that if he was too tired, he would spend the night with his buddy Justin. That's what he did. Knowing this didn't stop her from panicking that he wasn't home in the morning and she started calling his cell at 7am (for this son, that's a joke). Then when he wasn't answering the phone (because he was asleep). She called her mother and was crying, about how he hadn't come home and how he wasn't answering the phone. SHEESH! She knew where he was, she knew he was sleeping. She wanted him to wake up and come home. I told her that he didn't have enough gas to make a trip home and then turn around to go back to work. She says, as she's crying, "he has enough gas". I said, no, he doesn't. He's driving my car and it was on empty. He had just enough gas money for one round trip. If he comes home he won't have any gas to get back to work.
I THOUGHT that had got through to her because she didn't say anything afterwards.... until about 20 minutes later when she asks me to call his friend's phone, have him wake my son and tell him that I need him to come home because I need the car! UGHHHHHHH
She's doing stuff like this all the time, and I get so frustrated explaining real life to her and then not having her comprehend it.
I have 2 girls, one is 15, and after years of being a tomboy is now getting into makeup and a little more girlie stuff. She's got a hair trigger temper and is a door slammer. Among other things.
My youngest, 11, almost 12, is feeling put out and very sorry for herself. She's the youngest, no one loves her as much as they love everyone else. She's bent because her sister gets to buy and wear makeup and she doesn't. Her point of view, her life sucks big time, no one loves her, and I've ruined her life because she can't have a dog and or horse living in our backyard.
There's lots of yelling, name calling, door slamming, throwing things and a plethora of tears (I love that word), wailing and gnashing of teeth. I'm a very calm person, but this is beginning to get on even my nerves.
I'm open to suggestions, and wisdom of ANYONE who has a clue! lol BIG HUGS, Steph
Monday, July 17, 2006
Panties on top
Gratuitous sexy woman picture
(hey if Jock can do it...)
Actually IF I still looked this good, I'd ONLY wear bra and panties everywhere I went! LOL
The other day I came across a blog, she was telling about her trip to the gynecologist, and how she noticed that when she gets undressed that she would put her panties and bra hidden under the pile of her clothes, and it struck her funny that she would do so.
This is a Doctor who's going to be seeing just a liiittle bit more than your panties and bra, so, why bother to hide them?
I thought about it and ya know what, I realized that I put mine under my clothes too.
I'm in the exam room, naked, with a small paper jacket on, that is totally open in the front, a sheet over the rest of me, and soon will be spread eagle with my feet up in stirrups, and as fun as that may sound... (it's not), so why was I worried that my bra and panties were going to be seen?
I liked her resolve, she's gonna leave them right on top the pile from now on... I say, go sista! I am too! One small step for this woman, one giant leap for womankind. LOL BIG HUGS, Steph
Friday, July 07, 2006
Just Thinking...
I have a nephew who's 23, he's a beautiful young man,(black hair, gorgeous blue eyes) wants to be a model, but for now, he's, well he's a gigolo. He lives in Missouri with a woman in her 50's who's very rich. She just bought him an Escalade, and because he wanted something sporty, a Porsche.
I'm torn between being sick to my stomach and envying that kind of money. LOL
I wouldn't be buying sex though... antiques, trips, property, yes,... paying someone to hang around and have sex with me (sorry guys but you know you're easy, and can be had for free) (not that I'm complaining!) LMAO ... nope. BIG HUGS, Steph
Thursday, June 29, 2006
If I'm asked to keep a secret, I do. It's important to me that my friends know that I can be trusted. I have found that the majority of secrets find their way to daylight, no matter how hard people try to keep them.
My Family, especially my Grandmother tried to keep lots of things quiet. Some I understand, others, I wasn't sure why she made the effort. Her father was a drunk, who fooled around on his wife, my Great-Grandmother, and had his son-in-laws join in on the 'fun'. It seems he was married once before he married my great-grandma, and then divorced her to marry a prostitute. (What a class act huh?) She wasn't a pretty, heart of gold one either. Think fat drunken slob....
On the other side of the family, mental illness was covered up, ignored. Stupid, but understandable in that day.
My father's only sister was know to have affairs with young priests in the Catholic Church.
An email was recently sent to my father, from the Azores. There are people trying to do some genealogy, and are checking to see if the, J.M. "Smith" (false name there, my great-grandfather), is the same one who emigrated to the San Jose, CA, area, because he had fathered an illegitimate child in the Azores? Here it is 100-150 years later, and secrets come to light. (My father has no idea, but, is going to see what he can find out.)
I just find it really interesting. BIG HUGS, Steph
Monday, June 26, 2006
Does real, lasting Love exist? The kind, with not only love, but, friendship, respect, and a genuine liking for the person you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with?
I've spoken with (online) several men lately, who, while are married, and have no plans on leaving that marriage, have a wide and varied sex life, outside of that marriage. Two of them use the excuse that their spouse is ill, or has been ill, and so not able to fulfill their sexual needs.
I'm really torn on this. I'm no angel, (and have no right to judge) ... That's all I'm gonna say, but, lately I run across more and more of these gentlemen, and it's made me wonder.
Are there any marriages that are good, and based on, held together by, love and a desire to honor and respect that person, even if they do get sick? What if your spouse that you love, was in an accident tomorrow, and they were paralyzed? What if they got sick for months or maybe even years? What if something happened to where you had to spend extended periods of time apart?
I grew up with parents that fought constantly (they still do). Grandparents that were more advisaries than spouses, and one set of grandparents where my grandfather spoke to and treated my grandmother like she was lower than the dirt he walked on. She ended up having a nervous breakdown (before I was born). I always hated him. She died when I was 4, but I loved her and remember her. My other grandfather was a warm loving man when it came to his children and us as grandchildren, I couldn't have asked for better, but he and my grandmother were like tired, bloody old fighters, stuck in the same ring together for many, many years. He died first, and she was terrible towards him in the end.
I know of, and admire a very few men who are in relationships, that really love their wife/partner, and are faithful, but, I'm afraid they are a minority and a dying breed.
So, does real love exist?
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Reason for being...
I actually blog on MSN spaces... I know, don't ask me why. I made this and use it so that I can read and reply to my friends who blog here. If you get a minute, go check them out. (see links)
But, hey, you never know, I just might post something worth reading... or not.
But, hey, you never know, I just might post something worth reading... or not.
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